I: From Start to Proposal Defense
1: Types
Introduction for Types of Dissertations
Overview of the Dissertation
Self-Assessment Exercise
What is a Dissertation Committee
Different Types of Dissertations
2: Overview
Introduction for Overview of the Dissertation Process
Responsibilities: the Chair, the Team and You
Sorting Exercise
Stages of a Dissertation
Managing Your Time
Create Your Own Timeline
Working with a Writing Partner
Key Deadlines
Self Assessment Exercise
Additional Resources
3: Background
Purpose and Goals
Read and Evaluate Chapter 1 Exemplars
Draft an Introduction of the Study
Outline the Background of the Problem
Draft your Statement of the Problem
Draft your Purpose of the Study
Draft your Significance of the Study
List the Possible Limitations and Delimitations
Explicate the Definition of Terms
Outline the Organization of the Study
Recommended Resources and Readings
4: Lit Review
Purpose and Goals
Purpose of the Literature Review
What is the Literature?
Article Summary Table
Writing a Short Literature Review
Outline for Literature Review
Synthesizing the Literature Review
Recommended Resources and Readings
5: Methods
Purpose and Goals
Purpose of the Methodology Chapter
Topics to Include
Preparing to Write the Methodology Chapter
Self-Assessment Exercise
Building the Components for Chapter Three
Recommended Resources and Readings
6: Qualify Exam & IRB
Preparing for Your Qualifying Exam (aka Proposal Defense)
What is Needed for Your Proposal Defense?
Submitting Your Best Draft
Preparing Your Abstract for IRB
Use of Self-Assessment
Preparing Your PowerPoint
During Your Proposal Defense
After Your Proposal Defense
II: Data Collection and Analysis
1: IRB
2: Data Collection
Pre-observation – Issues to consider
During Observations
Wrapping Up
Recommended Resources and Readings (Qualitative)
Quantitative Data Collection
Recommended Resources and Readings (Quantitative)
3: Data Analysis
Qualitative: Before you Start
Qualitative: During Analysis
Qualitative: After Analysis
Qualitative: Recommended Resources and Readings
Quantitative: Deciding on the Right Analysis
Quantitative: Data Management and Cleaning
Quantitative: Keep Track of your Analysis
III: Findings, Discussion, and Final Defense
1: Chapter 4
The Purpose of Chapter 4
The Elements of Chapter 4
Presenting Results (Quantitative)
Presenting Findings (Qualitative)
Chapter 4 Considerations
Recommended Resources and Readings
2: Chapter 5
The Purpose of Chapter 5
Preparing Your Abstract for the Graduate School
Draft the Introduction for Chapter 5
Draft the Summary of Findings
Draft Implications for Practice
Draft your Recommendations for Research
Draft your Conclusions
Recommended Resources and Readings
3: Preparing for Defense
What is Needed
Submitting Your Best Draft
Use of Self-Assessment
Preparing Your PowerPoint
What Happens During the Final Defense?
What Happens After the Final Defense?
Phase I: From Start to Proposal Defense
Topic 1: Types of Dissertations
Introduction for Types of Dissertations
Overview of the Dissertation
Self-Assessment Exercise
What is a Dissertation Committee
Different Types of Dissertations
Topic 2: Overview of the Dissertation Process
Introduction for Overview of the Dissertation Process
Responsibilities: the Chair, the Team and You
Sorting Exercise
Stages of a Dissertation
Managing Your Time
Create Your Own Timeline
Working with a Writing Partner
Key Deadlines
Self-Assessment Exercise
Additional Resources
Topic 3: Background and Introduction
Purpose and Goals
Read and Evaluate Chapter 1 Exemplars
Draft an Introduction of the Study
Outline the Background of the Problem
Draft your Statement of the Problem
Draft your Purpose of the Study
Draft your Significance of the Study
List the Possible Limitations and Delimitations
Explicate the Definition of Terms
Outline the Organization of the Study
Recommended Resources and Readings
Topic 4: Literature Review
Purpose and Goals
Purpose of the Literature Review
What is the Literature?
Article Summary Table
Writing a Short Literature Review
Outline for Literature Review
Synthesizing the Literature Review
Recommended Resources and Readings
Topic 5: Methods
Purpose and Goals
Purpose of Methodology
Topics to Include
Preparing to Write the Methodology Chapter
Self- Assessment Exercise
Building the Components for Chapter Three
Recommended Resources and Readings
Topic 6: Qualifying Exam and IRB
Preparing for your Qualifying Exam (aka Proposal Defense)
What Is Needed for Your Proposal Defense
Submitting Your Best Draft
Preparing Your Abstract for IRB
Use of Self Assessment
Preparing Your Powerpoint
During Your Proposal Defense
After Your Proposal Defense