Pre-observation – Issues to consider
Topic 2: Data Collection
Gatekeepers/Gaining Access
Maintaining Access
Logistics of Data Collection in Research Sites
- Get to know the site(s)
- Don’t assume access even if you know someone
- Review the IRB section of Navigating the Dissertation to ensure you have also contacted the right people in the district/organization to obtain appropriate approvals for your study.
- What are the different levels of approval I need before I can begin data collection? Who are the stakeholders from whom I need approval?
- Who are the gatekeepers (formal and informal) I need to contact?
- What power relations, if any, exist among and between these gatekeepers? In what order should I contact them?
- Am I aligned with any of these people? Does this alignment give me an advantage or is it a disadvantage? Or is it both depending on the gatekeeper?
Maintaining Access
- Access is never full and complete
- Access as a continuous process
- Being helpful to participants at your site is one way to maintain access.
Logistics of Data Collection in Research Sites
- Learn about the site(s)’ policies and procedures and follow them
- Do you need a visitor’s badge?
- Is there a dress code?
- How will the way you dress affect who you are aligned with?
- Consider where/when to collect data
- Do you have access to these places?
- What places and times are convenient for people to observe/interview? (i.e., observing during testing is not a good idea)
- What places and times are appropriate to interview people? (i.e., private room is not appropriate for underage youth)
- Consider how you want to be portrayed by the participants
- Consider how you will respond to questions. What you will say to people when you are asked what you are writing down/doing?
- The following are examples of interview recruitment and introduction scripts. You might use these to guide the development of your scripts before you submit to IRB for approval.
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