Writing a Short Literature Review
Topic 4: Literature Review
In this activity, you will read through a worked example of a short literature review. Notice that the topic is addressed, including the specific variables. Although your literature review will be comprised of more than three articles, notice the processes involved (process development is color-coded in the PDF).
As you draft your Literature Review sections, consider the following:
Create an order for your paragraph summaries (try this with just 3-4 paragraphs that relate). You have now created a draft of a Short Literature Review. Revise your Short Literature Review to include paragraph introductions, conclusions, and transitions. Remember, this activity is essentially repeated for the various topics, variables, and concepts that you will review in your overall literature review. Before you begin to write your Literature Review for the dissertation, be sure to watch the video in this activity and read the supporting documents. This will help you track and organize your articles as the number of sources increases. Worked Example Writing a Short Lit Review (pdf) Worked Example of a Lit Review Chart (.xls) Chapter 2 Article Summary (.doc) |