What is Needed for Your Proposal Defense?
Topic 6: Qualifying Exam & IRB
- Have permission from chair to proceed with defense
- Contact your academic advisor in your program office to ensure you pick and have the appropriate forms completed
- Enroll in the appropriate course as required
- Secure defense date with your committee and secure a room and any technology equipment through the program office
- Consider and schedule any required professional editing and formatting services
- Submit your best draft of Chapters 1-3 to your committee at least 10 working days in advance of your established defense date
- Prepare your PowerPoint and any handouts (i.e. protocols, research questions, and abstract)
- Bring a copy of your chapters with any written notes or flagged pages for easy reference
- Schedule a review of your PowerPoint with the DSC and a mock defense
The video below provides information regarding the preparation for your defense.
Preparing for Your Defense (.ppt)